Carson Klute - 7-12 Principal and Activities Director
Grading is a topic that is of continual importance and discussion in the educational world. While learning is the most important piece of education, the grades a student earns often overshadow any discussion of what was actually taught or learned in a classroom. Grades are obviously important; they impact scholarships, tuition, eligibility, etc.
The elementary wing of Hampton Public School has embarked on a journey through the world of standards-based grading where students are assessed on what they know compared to the standards set by the Nebraska Department of Education. The goal is to make it exceedingly clear what a student knows and maybe as importantly, does not know. This is ultimately the best practice when it comes to grading because of that clarity. But what makes traditional grading so convoluted and complicated?
In traditional grading, an 85% in a class lacks depth and explanation. Oftentimes, tardiness, late work, extra credit, and behavior were all wrapped up in the final grade. Is that fair to the student? Is it an accurate reflection of what the student knows in Math or American History? To clear this up and more accurately reflect what a student knows in terms of the subject matter, the high school will begin using a behavior grading system that will be sent home at the end of each quarter. (Pictured) There are several reasons that we have embarked on this change in reporting from including the factors listed at the beginning of this paragraph to simply reporting what a student knows. The first reason is that we want to be crystal clear about what a student knows, or does not know, about their subject matter. Next, we also want to provide insight into the other important skills it takes to be successful not only in high school but in whatever postsecondary ambitions our students have.
As a staff, we have narrowed down what we feel are the important factors in being successful. Those factors are listed on the side of the report and include arriving on time, preparedness, and respect. Each student, in each class in which they are enrolled, will receive a 1, 2, 3, or 4. A 4 means they exceed expectations and 1 means they need constant reminders. With this, it is important to remember that while behavior is no longer included in grades, it will inherently impact grades. For example, a student who is four minutes late to class 35 times a semester will miss three-whole class periods of instruction. That will inevitably impact a student's ability to be successful.
If you have any questions about what will be sent home, please do not hesitate to call the school or email me at Thank you for all of your support and for letting us work with your kids every day!