
Angie Arndt - Elementary Principal and SPED Director  

It’s January!  Each year that goes by seems to go faster than the one before, and this school year has been no exception.  January brings a fresh start for each of us and is a time to set goals and prioritize for the year.  This is no different at Hampton Elementary.  We are entering the 2nd half of the school year and it is often during this time we see the most growth in our students.  Classroom teachers will be setting NSCAS Growth and MAP Growth goals for our January testing window.  This is a time for students to show us what they’ve learned during the 1st semester of the school year, and it helps teachers plan 2nd-semester instruction as we stay focused on mastering grade-level standards by the end of the school year.  

With home basketball games in full swing in January, I want to remind students and parents about expectations for students while attending evening activities.  Please remind your child of the following expectations:

  • You are at the game to cheer on the team.

  • Students must sit in the bleachers during the game.

  • Keep your area clean.  Put trash in the trash cans.

  • Sit with or near your parents.  (Students should not be running around the commons or concession stand area or the in the locker room hallway)

  • Limit trips to the concession stand and bathroom to time outs and between quarters.

We welcome all fans, young and old, to cheer and support our players, but please be sure to have your child follow our game night expectations!  Go Hawks!

One last friendly reminder ~ Winter is officially here!  All students who’d like to play in the field in the snow must wear snow pants and boots.  Please label all of your child’s winter gear as items can quickly go missing.  It’s hard to tell one pair of black snow pants from another!  Also, ensure that if your child brings snow boots to use outside, they must also have indoor shoes for the school day.