
Tammy Wolinski - School Improvement, MTSS and Title

In 1997 our school began a formal accreditation process under the umbrella of a group called “The North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI).” Under their guidance, we created a mission statement to clarify our founding purpose and organizational commitments. In 2003 the staff added a vision statement, clarifying the future high-level goals for our students. Those statements, along with 5 belief statements, have been revised yearly and have carried us through many years of great success.

Fast forward to the fall of 2022. During selected 2:00 dismissals our administrators and teachers went through a rigorous process under the leadership of ESU 9 staff developers, Kristen Slechta and Amy Schultz, to rebuild our mission, vision, and belief statements from scratch in an effort to ensure these bold statements match the work we do. Ultimately, we want to make a difference each and every day.

Now, as family & community members, I want you to think about how you identify with what we have chosen. Is there one or perhaps even multiple statements that resonate with you? We are proud of our new vision/mission/beliefs and hope they speak to you as much as they do to us.

Our final product:

VISION: Educate・Inspire・Serve

MISSION: Hampton Public School will guide and empower each student through their academic and personal growth.


Students and staff thrive in an environment where they feel safe.

Parent and community partnerships enhance student success.

Serving our school and community enhances educational experiences.

Learning opportunities are challenging and relevant.

HPS provides an inclusive community for all.