
Angie Arndt - Elementary Principal and SPED Director

In my February newsletter article, I wrote about our winter assessments and the importance of setting testing goals with students individually. We were able to celebrate our winter assessments with a “Dodgeball and Dessert” party because 88% of our Kindergarten - 6th-grade students reached their goal.  I also mentioned in that same February article that as an elementary school, we didn't reach the next goal levels of 90% (Hour of Play) or OVER 90% (Surprise Field Trip).  The lessons that can be learned from setting a goal and not reaching it are equally as important as reaching the original goal.  We talked about perseverance and changing our mindset about learning in the classroom during the 3rd and 4th quarters of the school year.  The students knew that I would be challenging them again in late April and early May to show all they had learned on our end-of-year assessments.  

I am excited to announce that the elementary building had 90.1% of our students reach our assessment goal for the spring!  K-6 will be celebrating by playing “Minute to Win It” games against their teachers and pizza in the park followed by a field trip to the Central City Movie Theater!

The month of May will pass by quickly so please mark your calendar with the following end-of-year activities…….

  • May 9th -  Elementary BUMP UP Day - Students bump up to the next grade to visit

  • May 11th - K-3 Field Trip to Lincoln Zoo 

  • May 12th - 4th-6th to Nebraska State Capital and Morrill Hall

  • May 15th - Field Day: K-3 @ 12:50 PM & 4th-6th @ 2:15 PM

  • May 16th - Pizza in the Park/Movie Theater Field Trip

  • May 16th - Preschool Graduation @ 6:00 PM

  • May 17th - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL - 12:00 dismissal 

  • May 17th - Honors Convocation @  8:30 AM

  • May 17th - Elementary Talent Show @ 10:00 AM

Elementary teachers will begin making recommendations for our summer tutoring program.  If you feel your child would benefit from this opportunity please contact their teacher to discuss this possibility.  We’ll continue to develop plans as the summer approaches.